Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Welcome To Networking Girls Aug - Sept 08 Issue

We know that you will enjoy this issue of the Networking Girls Blogzine where all articles and businesses are female owned. This is a strong, diverse, international community of women who value relationships in business and friendship. We are located all over the world in the U.S., Korea, Sweden, London, Canada and Nigeria. We are not afraid to talk about our faith in God and how it influences us at home and work. We meet both on and offline and welcome others to join in with us. Enjoy this month’s issue and God bless.

What's Happening In the Network

The month of July was very exciting. The July 21st teleseminar was a huge success. Carrie Lauth was brilliant and the response was phenomenal. The July 29th networking event was so much fun. The girls got together to network and hob knob over a great dinner. More offline events are scheduled this month. Check it out below:

Teleconference Prayer: August 18, 8-9:30pm EST Here at Networking Girls, we like to discuss our faith.This is a teleconference for prayer and testimony. No matter what area in your life you want to pray and discuss, join us during this time of fellowship. Find More Information Here.

Increase Your Website Traffic Teleconference with Carrie Lauth: August 25, 8:00pm EST If you missed Carrie on July 21st, she is doing it again. This successful internet marketer is giving away her wisdom once again. Find More Information Here.

4 Real Women International: Downloadable telelectures for Women Leaders Available the entire month of August
Download Here

Networking Girls In Prayer

We are so much more than just our business ventures, We are moms, wives, friends and more. The more time is spent in the NG community the more heart felt stories and testimonies are heard. That is why the network is incorporating a monthly teleconference dedicated to prayer. This is a time for prayer and testimony and not business networking. No matter what you may want to pray about whether it is family, health or business, join us in this teleconference.

August 18th, 2008, 8-9:00pm EST

Please sign in below and the conference number and pin will be emailed to you

Network Freebies

Here is another great giveaway to the girls in the network. Moms who want and need to find more time for themselves will love this. This free guide will show you how to find more time for yourself without guilt. Yes you love being a mom. Having the most difficult job on the planet entitles you to some me time.

How often does anyone offer you something for free? Grab it now!!!! Find The Time Mama
Find the Time Mama

We will always keep you girls informed of anything free that can be a great benefit to you. Take a look at other great giveaways:
Hot Mama Makeover

How to Start Your Own Transcription Business

Transcription Starter Pack Review

Transcription, it’s all the rage right now with new businesses popping up everywhere. Why? Because it’s a great option for people wanting to work from home and it doesn’t take much to get started. Unlike Medical Transcription, being a General Transcriber doesn’t require certification or other specialized training. If you have an interest in being a General Transcriber, the Transcription Starter Pack is a must buy.

What it is and who it’s for: Transcription Starter Pack is a complete course that walks you through everything you need to know to start your own Transcription Business. This course is for anyone who has ever thought about earning a living through transcription. It’s for those who don’t want to do phone work, those who want more control over their schedules and those who enjoy typing and have an eye (and ear) for detail.

What You Get: The Transcription Starter Pack includes:
•1 hour of Audio outlining how to start your business
•A detailed interview with a successful General Transcriber who started with no experience
•Printable eBook that you can refer back to
•A resource list for recommended software and hardware
•Customizable website templates for getting your site up in a jiffy
•Sample teleseminar, internet talk radio show, podcast, and video that you can practice with to improve your skills Transcription Starter Pack is full of great information without the fluff.

It’s a great course at a price anyone can afford.

What you can expect to learn: The Transcription Starter Pack teaches prospective transcribers what transcribing is all about. It covers what it takes to become a successful Transcriptionist, how to set up shop, where to locate clients, how to figure your rates and much more. The information given is straight to the point and answers real questions asked by individuals interested in this type of work.

What it costs: Transcription Starter Pack is affordable, too. If you put what you learn into practice, you can earn back the cost of the course with your very first audio file. Take a look for yourself, you’ll see what I mean:

It's All About Prioritizing

There are actually a number of ways you can prioritize business tasks. Among the more popular and more effective methods is the alphabetical priority list whereby your tasks are given a value between A and F. A being most important, paying your taxes for example and F being something unimportant like cleaning your phone receiver. Here’s how to prioritize effectively.

Step 1 Create your task list. It is important to break larger tasks into smaller steps if possible. For example paying your taxes might first involve calling your accountant or making a deposit into your Swis s bank account first.
(Just kidding about the Swiss bank account.)

Step 2 Give all immediate tasks the value of A – F. Again A is the most important task or tasks and F is the least.

Step 3. Evaluate the tasks based on two criteria: how important are they and how urgent are they. For example if your taxes are due tomorrow then you need to get busy or you’re going to face financial penalties so the task is very urgent.However, calling a client and finalizing a large sale is very important to your business.

Step 4. For all tasks with the same value, prioritize them numerically. For example, maybe calling your accountant and making a large deposit in your Swiss bank account both have a value of B. Which is more important? The deposit quite likely because you don’t want your accountant to be complicit, so making the deposit would have a value of B1 and calling your accountant would have a value of B2.

Step 5. Your final step in creating your task list, particularly if your high priority list is extensive, is to run through your list again and see how you can re-arrange it so that some of the less important tasks get moved down the list to make room to spread out your high priority tasks. For example if you have three A level tasks and only one F level task, perhaps you can move down a D or E level task and make room to spread out your high priority tasks. When in doubt, delegate to get all of those high priority tasks completed quickly.

Talk to you soon!

Crissy Herron Gipson

5 Ways a Business Coach Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

Starting and growing a business is hard work. And if you're trying to get new clients and business with your website, that can add to your challenges. If you've never done any internet marketing before, it can be confusing and overwhelming. You may be in the business that you love, but frustrations can make it seem like you will never get off the ground. We moms don't have time to waste!

Along with ambition and motivation, we sometimes need something more.A business coach can share know ledge and inspiration with us and help us find the things within ourselves that we need to succeed. Here are some ways that a business coach can help you reach your goals:

1. A business coach can help you gain an objective view of yourself.Often we are the last people to realize our own strengths. A business coach can give us insight into which traits are standing between us and success, and which ones we need to concentrate on using to our advantage.

2. Business coaches can help you discover how to work more efficiently. When you have a million things to do and little or no help, it's not unusual to become overwhelmed and not work as efficiently as you could. Your business coach can teach you how to sort out priorities and get your work done more quickly and with less

3. A business coach can help you delegate and outsource effectively. We may be tempted to do it all ourselves, but that's often just plain impractical. A business coach can help you determine whether we should hire employees or outsource work. He can also give us pointers on how to assign and keep track of work for optimum efficiency.

4. A coach can share knowledge and connections that you might not otherwise have access to. For example, if your website isn't getting enough traffic, you're too busy building your business to learn the ins and outs of marketing your website online. A coach can help you gain specialized knowledge quickly so you can do what needs to be done(or outsource what needs to be done!) to grow your business passively
with your website.

5. A coach can be a coach - they can tell you want you need to hear(but may not want to). If you had your 17 year old nephew build your website or you built it yourself, you may have some major issues that are driving customers away. An experienced internet marketer can point out these f laws and help you make changes that can lead to more newsletter subscribers, more customers, more sales - and more money, in just an hour.

To sum up, a coach can put you on the fast track to meeting your goals. If you feel stuck and aren't getting the results you want, it's more than worth hiring one.

Carrie Lauth is an internet marketing mom of 4 who offers coaching and website reviews. To read more about her services, visit

Seven Common Mistakes Women Make in Dating

One of the challenges of dating in today’s world is that the rules of courtship have changed. Some of those changes are good, some …. not so much. Here’s a quick reminder of a few rules to follow based on common mistakes women make when dating.

1. Mistaking powerful for masculine – Women tell me that men are intimidated by them because they’re powerful. Not true. There’s a difference between being powerful and being masculine. Healthy men love powerful, confident women. Leave your masculine side at work.
2. Taking the lead –One of the rules that should not change is letting the man lead during the courting process. Men are programmed to hunt – let them come get you. Parity and partnership come later.
3. Giving too much information – We so very much want to be known, sometimes we rush to tell our suitor more than is appropriate at the time. In the early days of dating, the focus should be on having fun. Ease into knowing each other.
4. Going too fast – One of quickest ways to sabotage your relationship is to have sex too soon and spend too much time together. You have to give your relationship the opportunity to blossom.
5. Taking losses personally – Just because he says “No” to being with you for the rest of his life, that doesn’t mean you’re not lovable. Dating is a numbers game. Go read the book He’s Just Not That Into You, and repeat after me: “Next!”
6. Not being the chooser – When we’re yearning for love, we desperately want to be chosen. Turn the tables; let the man prove his worthiness to you.
7. Not being able to receive –As much as we want to be loved, many women push that love away as soon as it gets too close. We’re more afraid of love than we want to admit.

For a more detailed explanation of these issues, I invite you to listen to my interview on Two Women Talk. http://www.twowomentalk.com/podcast-17.htm. For more information on me and my services, go to PfCoaching.com.

A Girl's Story

If you or someone you know is a survivor of sexual abuse, you must hear the story of one of our very own Networking Girl. If you have children you must hear this story. We are so proud to have Stephanie Jones, best selling author, as a member of our community. This author as made numerous syndicated appearances on shows such as The Al Sharpton Show, The Michael Baisden Show along with several radio shows and websites.

Stephanie is a sexual abuse survivor and tells her story which has helped many heal from the scars of abuse. Take a look at our one on one interview here.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Slash Your Grocery Bill

Are you looking for a great way to save money on your groceries? A Menu Planning Service can come to the rescue. These ingenious services help you plan, save on grocery costs and manage your dinner meals simply and easily.

Menu Planning services provide moms with a simple to follow dinner menu for each week. Not only do you get awesome dinner meal ideas including main dishes, side dishes and desserts that are satisfying, simple to prepare and healthy, but you also get a personalized grocery list to simply shop for the ingredients for the upcoming week. You can save loads of money, because when you know which meals you will be preparing and which ingredients you will need you won’t wastefully purchase ingredients and items that are not required.

Many people spend hundreds of dollars each year buying food ingredients that they don’t need. In many cases foods are wasted, because they sit around not being used in any meals you prepare. Once you find a meal idea for these ingredients, they are usually too old, spoiled or stale.

By utilizing a menu planning service you will also save on fast food and casual dining restaurant bills. Many families become frustrated when there is no food in their refrigerator. Instead of preparing a healthy and low cost meal at home, they opt for the ease of visiting fast food and casual dining restaurants that can easily cost $20, $50, $100 or more. If you are looking for a reason to keep you at home rather than at high priced restaurants, a meal planning service is an affordable and practical solution.

Another way you can reap the rewards from menu planning is with all the time you will save. Now that everything is planned out for you, you won’t have to spend time each day running back and forth to the grocery store to buy needed food items, you can have your whole week's meals planned out and have a comfortable and relaxing time at home with your family.

If you are looking for an awesome way to save on your grocery bills, check out a menu planning service.
Dine Without Whine - A Family Friendly Weekly Menu Planner

The Rope

A mountain climber who desperate to conquer the Aconcagua (the largest mountain in South America), initiated his climb after years of preparation. He wanted the glory to himself so he decided to take on this quest alone. He started climbing and night fell heavy in the heights of the mountain and the man could not see anything. Zero visibility and the moon and the stars were covered by the clouds.

As he was climbing a ridge at about 100 meters from the top, he slipped and fell. Falling rapidly he could only see blotches of darkness that passed. He felt a terrible sensation of being sucked in by gravity. He kept falling... and in those anguishing moments, good and bad memories passed through his mind. He thought certainly he would die, but then he felt a jolt that almost tore him in half. Yes! Like any good mountain climber he had staked himself with a long rope tied to his waist. In those moments of stillness, suspended in the air he had no other choice but to shout: "HELP ME GOD. HELP ME!"

All of a sudden he heard a deep voice from heaven... "What do you want me to do?"
"SAVE ME," he shouts.
"Do you REALLY think that I can save you?" God says.
"Then cut the rope that is holding you up," God says.
There was another moment of silence and stillness. The man decided to hold tighter to the rope. The rescue team says that the next day they found a frozen mountain climber hanging strongly to a rope... TEN FEET OFF THE GROUND!

And you? What is your rope in your life? How attached are you to your rope? Will you let go?

About A Girl

Patty Binns Farinola is a professionally trained speaker, instructor and coach who specializes in empowering women to create happy, fulfilling and lasting love relationships. Patty pulls from her own personal experience and her many levels of training to provide coaching and classes that have clients look deeper into their patterns of attraction and help them open up to the true possibilities of love. After experiencing divorce and many years of being single, she likes to say, “I got it right the second time around, and it’s so wonderful when you finally get it right that I want everyone to have what I have.” Patty teaches by example. She’s “been down that road before,” and she shows other women how to avoid the potholes, speed bumps and detours along the way. Her classes and coaching have helped many women find love, get married, and stay (happily!) that way.

Patty's professional history includes over twenty-five years of diverse experience with industry leading Fortune 100 corporations and privately held firms. Her background includes executive-level management as well as marketing, sales and client management. She has worked for such companies as Coca-Cola, Bank South (now Bank of America), and S1 Corporation, and her last position was Managing Director of Marketing for Georgia Natural Gas.

Patty Binns Farinola

From 9 to 5 I’m an Environmental Engineer and from 5 to 9 I’m a professional event planner. My days of planning events began 10 years ago when I was hired by two of the local Universities in Houston to plan events for various campus activities. Eventually, the word got out that a young, creative, and enthusiastic young lady was on the scene planning events like no other. At that point, I knew it was time to move forward and go into business for myself. After long deliberation and prayer, Special Invite Event Planning & Management (S.I.E.P. &M) was born in 2005. I’ve planned events ranging from birthday parties to bridal shows and loving every bit of it. S.I.E.P. &M prides itself on being honest, upfront, and allowing the client to have full control over the planning process. Our main goal is to provide the necessary assistance our clients require to have a worry free and successful event.

S.I.E.P. & M recently launched a service/product line called “Romance in a Box” which offers romantic gifts, ideas, and adult novelty items for the romantically challenged. Clients are able to choose from a variety of pre-designed gift boxes that contain items to decorate either a bedroom or hotel room. Custom designed packages are available as well. Great for wedding engagements, bridal shower gifts, anniversaries, birthdays, and just because!

Teresa Barrett, Owner
Special Invite Event Planning & Management (S.I.E.P. &M)
Email: info@thespecialinvite.com
Website: www.thespecialinvite.com
Blog: http://specialinvite.blogspot.com

My name is Myasha, and I am the owner of MTR Industries, a firm that specializes in clerical outsourcing. My company seeks to provide optimal, green, and comprehensive clerical resources for small and medium-sized businesses that do not have the ability or desire to hire on employees permanently. My services are diverse, as is my skill set, and include some of the following: Data Entry, Ebay Listing/SEO/Design, Proxy Services, basic Remote Technical Support, Desktop Publishing, SharePoint and so much more! It feels good to be able to be proficient in multiple areas and not be confined to serving only one company in one capacity. I value variety in the work I do, the software applications I use, and life in general. Life is just a moment in time and it is my intention to live it to the fullest!

Myasha Taylor-Rodriguez
MTR Industries

Advertise With Networking Girls

Looking for additional ways to promote your business? You can start here at NG. We have several affordable ways that business owners can place her ads within the blogzine, newsletter and the online community. Advertise for as little as $20.00. NG has members nationally and internationally as far away as Switzerland, London, Sweden, Nigeria, Canada and Korea. Please contact the Girl In Charge, Velvet, green4life@comcast.net