Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Networks Upcoming Events

ANG has many more things planned for the network. The monthly event for April is scheduled for April 29th from 7-9pm. These events allows women in business to come together with their marketing material and fellowship with other business owners. Ladies can check out the site, http://www.atlantanetworkinggirls.com/ for location and easy payment instructions.

ANG's new online community will be up and running by the end of April. This community will be an ladies only business network allowing business owners and professionals to downloand professional photos, logos, business profiles and contact information. This will allow female business owners and professionals to expand their network possibilities.

We are also putting together an ANG north side to help make it more convenient for ladies around Atlanta to participate. This will be on a trial basis and participation will determine if we keep the location. This new location will be up and running within the next 60-90 days. If anyone have a recommendation of a good location, please let us know.

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