Sunday, July 6, 2008
Welcome To Networking Girls July 08 Issue
We know that you will enjoy this issue of the Networking Girls Blogzine where all articles and businesses are female owned. This is a strong, diverse, international community of women who value relationships in business and friendship. We are located all over the world in the U.S., Korea, Sweden, London, Canada and Nigeria. We are not afraid to talk about our faith in God and how it influences us at home and work. We meet both on and offline and welcome others to join in with us. Enjoy this month’s issue and God bless.
What's Happening In the Network
June was a blast and the June 24th event was probably the best one yet. Not only was it a time to share business ideas but also a time of great testimony. Many tears were shed and the tissue went around the room. I was so very impressed with this group of ladies and look forward to seeing them again.
Our Network is growing by leaps and bounds. The online community now has over 160 Networking Girls locally, nationally and internationally. Our International members are as far away as Sweden, London, Nigeria, Korea and Canada.This does not include our offline community which has several hundred members. Atlanta Networking Girls have many advantages but we have future plans to reach out more to our girls beyond the Atlanta border. These will be announced in the very near future. If you haven't joined us online, check us out at, which is our main site is under going a facelift and we will announce the relaunch soon. The tentative date for the relaunch is August 08 and we will keep everyone informed.
August 29th: Many fun and exciting things are scheduled. The goal of the network is to be more than just about business but also to uplift faith, family, friends, health and more. A family event that is scheduled for the month of August is a Mother, Daughter Tea Time. Read about it more in a later posting below.
The scheduled events for July is another great E-Show for our Slumber Party Networking Girl. Visit her site and find products in a later posting below.
July 21st: one of our staff members, Carrie Lauth, will be hosting a Free teleseminar on marketing you online business and increasing website traffic. Carrie is a single mom of 4 and makes a full time living as an internet marketer. View detail on this event here.
July 29th: The monthly networking event is coming soon. Bring your marketing material, find new clients, have dinner and hob knob with like minded individuals. Past events have brought out a Century 21 franchise owner, car lot owner, real estate agents, mortgage company owner, interior decorator, event planner, travel agents and more. Everyone can prepay below.
Date: July 29th (Must Prepay by July 26th)
Time: 7-9pm
Cost: $25 (includes dinner)
Location: BJ's Sweet Basil, 1808 Phoenix Blvd, College Park, Ga. 30349 (located behind the Country Inn & Suites)
Restaurant #: (770) 996-9940
Our Network is growing by leaps and bounds. The online community now has over 160 Networking Girls locally, nationally and internationally. Our International members are as far away as Sweden, London, Nigeria, Korea and Canada.This does not include our offline community which has several hundred members. Atlanta Networking Girls have many advantages but we have future plans to reach out more to our girls beyond the Atlanta border. These will be announced in the very near future. If you haven't joined us online, check us out at, which is our main site is under going a facelift and we will announce the relaunch soon. The tentative date for the relaunch is August 08 and we will keep everyone informed.
August 29th: Many fun and exciting things are scheduled. The goal of the network is to be more than just about business but also to uplift faith, family, friends, health and more. A family event that is scheduled for the month of August is a Mother, Daughter Tea Time. Read about it more in a later posting below.
The scheduled events for July is another great E-Show for our Slumber Party Networking Girl. Visit her site and find products in a later posting below.
July 21st: one of our staff members, Carrie Lauth, will be hosting a Free teleseminar on marketing you online business and increasing website traffic. Carrie is a single mom of 4 and makes a full time living as an internet marketer. View detail on this event here.
July 29th: The monthly networking event is coming soon. Bring your marketing material, find new clients, have dinner and hob knob with like minded individuals. Past events have brought out a Century 21 franchise owner, car lot owner, real estate agents, mortgage company owner, interior decorator, event planner, travel agents and more. Everyone can prepay below.
Date: July 29th (Must Prepay by July 26th)
Time: 7-9pm
Cost: $25 (includes dinner)
Location: BJ's Sweet Basil, 1808 Phoenix Blvd, College Park, Ga. 30349 (located behind the Country Inn & Suites)
Restaurant #: (770) 996-9940
Meet the Networking Girls Staff
Velvet Woodly
Networking Girls Director
Business: Real Estate Agent/Investor, Internet Marketer
Kennette Reed
Networking Girls Business Book Club Organizer
Business: Kennette Reed & Associates(author, business coach and national speaker)
Carrie Lauth
Networking Girls Contributing Blogger
Business: (internet marketer)
Conchata Wells
Networking Girls Administrator
Business: Admin On the Go (virtual business assistant)
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Networking Girls Mother Daughter Tea
Yes we are Networking Girls looking to expand our businesses but the most important jobs some of us have is that of being a mom. No matter how many millions we make, the well being of our kids is what matters. There are so many negative images and outside influences that are going after them. We pray and work harder to keep them focused and on the right track.
As the mother of a toddler, I am constantly looking for ways to show love, build self esteem and confidence in my daughter. I look for positive images that are diverse like the world we live in but also ones that have her very unique and beautiful features. Because words are so powerful and can stay with one for a life time, I choose them wisely around her. My husband and I only speak prosperous language over her life. We want her to know that she is a valuable, child of God and entitled to the best in life. I enjoy tea time with her and helping her and know that our quality time will help her grow into a productive young woman.
My daughter and I enjoy this so much that we wanted to invite others to experience this with your little girls. Join Networking Girls in our “Mother Daughter Tea Time”, where we come together to nurture and groom our daughters into virtuous young women. Bring your little princess ages 3-16, in her prettiest dress and enjoy a girls day out in this beautiful, Fayette county, tea room. This event is not exclusive to moms and daughters but also to grand daughters, nieces, god daughters or just about any little girl that you want to empower. Lunch will be served, there is a 25 seat limit and prepayment is mandatory. If you are interested, respond by email and you will be emailed an invoice for electronic payment.
Date: August 16th (MUST PREPAY BY AUG 14TH)
Time: 11am-1pm will start and end promptly
Location: Aunt Laura’s Sweet Shop and Tea Room (535 S. Glynn St. (Hwy 85), ste 1003,Fayetteville, Ga. 30214
Tea Room Phone#: (770)460-3029 (call for directions only)
Cost: $13 per child ages 3-9, $20 moms and kids ages 10-16
For More Info. Contact Velvet:
Networking Girls E-Show
Spice up your life with Slumber Parties. Find sexy and fun products to add more excitement to your love life. Shop here at Slumber Parties, host a show or become a distributor. Shop Slumber Parties Here.
Marcella James - SP Distributor
The Value of Reading Business Books
If you work in / for a business or own a business, you should be regularly looking for the latest industry specific ideas, but also general business information, theories, business practices, etc. Why? I don't think I can answer that any better than Seth Godin. He is an internationally known author, marketer and blogger. Here's what Seth recently wrote in his blog:
"If you went to a doctor who told you that she hadn't read a scholarly article or taken any training since med school, would you stick around? What about a lawyer who doesn't read law journals or a dentist who never bothered to read up on the newest case studies?
Never mind the professions. What about the machine shop down the street? Think the $18 an hour machine operator is supposed to read the manual that came with the new machine? Who cares if he doesn't like to read?
Why does our bizarre national fear of reading have anything to do with this? We read stuff all the time (email, stop signs, the comics) but for some reason, people think it's fine to draw the line at books. (Typical annual per capita purchase rate for hardcover books in the US: one)."
So, how many business books are you reading each year? How are you keeping up with the latest trends, ideas or strategies? If you want to stay informed, on the cutting edge and aware of the latest business ideas, join our Networking Girls Business Book Club. Each month, we'll be reading a new book that will provide the business savvy and tactics you need to be more knowledgeable and successful. Impress your boss, co-workers, employees or yourself with new found business acumen. Our July selection is, Doing Business by the Good Book , by David Steward. Pick up a copy and join us for a lively online or offline discussion . It's an opportunity to learn, share and exchange business knowledge.
What are you waiting for? Time to start reading?
Kennette Reed
Another Network Freebie
How to Deal with a Disinterested Spouse
Marriage is a tough job. Learning to live with another person, even one that you love takes time to get used to. If your marriage has hit a dry spell lately, don’t get frustrated and upset. Here are a few ways to get to the bottom of the issue of a disinterested spouse. You come home after a long day at work or maybe you are a stay-at-home mother. When your spouse comes home, you give him a big kiss and ask about his day. He mumbles a quick response and heads off to the computer room, where he stays for the next hour or so. Or, maybe he comes home and announces that he and the guys are going to a ballgame and he won’t be staying for dinner. If you have experienced something similar, you may be scratching your head trying to figure out what is going on. The first thing I want to say is not to jump to conclusions. Everyone needs their space now and then. Communicate with your spouse. If you have a problem with their behavior, let them know. Chances are your spouse is not aware that there is a problem going on. Sit down with him and tell him how you feel about his apparent disinterest. Men are not the type of people to open up readily about their problems. Women, on the other hand, like to talk about an issue until we’ve picked the bones clean. When he is out with his friends, he can casually mention a situation that he is having. The guys may comment briefly but then it’s over and done with. Couples naturally grow apart when they have a family. Once the children come along, there is less time for intimacy and more time for arguing about the kids. A lot of energy goes into raising kids and keeping a home. Most of us just look for any chance to unwind. You might not like what your spouse has to say, but listen anyway. This is the only way to find a solution. Suggest a date night with your spouse. Get to know the other person all over again. Send the kids to a friend or relative’s house for the entire evening. Rekindle the intimacy that has been missing for so long. Let your spouse know that you are there to listen if they have a problem they want to discuss and you won’t offer advice if they don’t want or need it. Somewhere along the way things have gotten off track, but they can be fixed if you both want it. Communicating with each other is the only way to get both of your needs met. Find family friendly product reviews, information and support from a variety of different moms from all walks of life at:
Talk News. Join us, it’s Free!
How often does anyone offer you something for free? Grab it now!!!! Find The Time Mama Find the Time Mama
We will always keep you girls informed of anything free that can be a great benefit to you. Take a look at other great giveaways:
Hot Mama Makeover
I Am Your Success
BELIEVER: “Lord I love You so much and appreciate Your love and care for me. How can I ever thank You for showing me that if I will take time to listen, You really will speak to me?
GOD: “I love you, My child, and that my love is much stronger and deeper than you can understand. It is this love which will sustain you in the days ahead. When you feel discouraged, puzzled, weary, My love is always there to encompass your hurting heart. Be joyful in that knowledge!
“ I see your anxiety when things do not happen in the lives of others as rapidly as you would like, but I say, be at peace; rest in Me. These are My concerns, you are only My instrument. It is he who wields the instrument. You must feel no pressure to ‘succeed.’ I am your success. Simply rest in Me and trust Me to do the work in the lives of others.”
BELIEVER: “Lord, You are so good to me! I receive everything from You!
GOD: “Then receive My love. It is poured forth as a fountain forever. Do you not yet see how much I cherish you? O child of Mine, believe what I tell you. I cradle you in My bosom. I hold you and protect you. Nothing in this world can harm you or take away that which I have given you-love, joy, peace, rest in Me. I will teach you. Do not struggle – simply wait on Me. Trust Me in all that concerneth you. It is with joy I see your heart. I hear your request. Consider them done.”
From the book: Dialogue With God by Mark & Patty Virkler
Writing Tips For Your Business
The written word is important to any business. Whether it's on a website,
direct mail piece, or in a print publication, it serves to inform readers and
entice them to take action. So it is important to know how to use our words to motivate readers.
Emotion Is a Powerful Motivator
In order to get a response from our readers, it is important to evoke emotions. People respond to emotion much more quickly than they respond to cold, hard facts.
There's nothing wrong with presenting facts about your business or its products or offerings, but it's important to do so in moderation. Long, drawn out business and technical monologues tend to bore the reader, resulting in him leaving your website or tossing your mailing in the trash. It's much more effective to focus on what you can do for the reader.
Use Action Words
Writing in a passive manner does nothing to get a reader excited. In fact, it can be quite boring and monotonous. And bored readers rarely become customers.
It is important to use action words throughout our copy. This facilitates emphasizing the benefits of what we have to offer rather than just listing humdrum details. Action-packed writing is also more memorable, so if our readers should get sidetracked they are more likely to come back to it later.
What Do You Want Your Readers to Do?
Great copywriting has several important characteristics. But one of the most critical is also the simplest: In order to be effective, we must let our readers know what it is we want them to do.
The best way to let our readers know what we want from them is to simply come out and tell them. This is known as a call to action. Phrases such as "Order now" and "Sign up here" are good examples. But a call to action isn't complete unless you make it clear how the reader can perform that action. That means you need to include a link, phone number, or address they can use.
Set a Deadline
Deadlines are powerful motivators. If a customer is on the fence about buying your product or signing up for your newsletter, a deadline can make all the difference in the world.
You might only accept signups for a limited time. Or you could offer a discount if the reader acts now. Putting a time limit on things creates a sense of urgency, because readers fear missing out if they don't act quickly.
Nearly everything we do has some sort of motivating factor. So if we want our readers to act, we must give them the motivation to do so. By writing in a style that evokes emotion and encourages action, we increase our chances of turning a reader into a customer or subscriber.
I'll be back next week,
Crissy Herron Gipson
Balancing the Children's Schedule and Your Work at Home Schedule
One of the biggest reasons some women become work at home moms is to be available for their children. Many choose to start when the children are young and need a lot of supervision. Many continue the experience as the children get older because of the flexibility it offers.
It can be a challenge being a work at home mom and juggle the needs of the family with the needs of your business. Finding a balance between the two is the key to being a successful (and peaceful) work at home mom. Here are some tips on how to achieve this:
1. Make a schedule of times when you KNOW you won't be disturbed (early in the morning, late at night or during naps). There are probably a few hours in each day that you can devote to work that are completely undisturbed by the rest of the household.
2. Keep a calendar of all the children's activities close at hand (include everything from doctor's appointments to carpools). It will help you know how to juggle your schedule if you always have the important events written out for easy access. Keeping more than one calendar might lead to oversights, so use just one and keep all the activities in one place.
3. Use that same calendar to keep track of due dates or projects that you need to complete. It will help you stay on track if you know what you have to do and when you have to do it. You can use a paper calendar or even one of the many automated calendar programs (that will sound an alarm when things are suppose to happen).
4. If you do work for clients, aim to complete your projects ahead of schedule. Procrastination can be one of the major pitfalls of the work at home mom. Keep it at bay by staying ahead of schedule.
5. Expect the unexpected. One of the main reasons that people choose to work at home is so that they can be flexible. You want to be able to walk away from work if the children have an unexpected awards program or they are just sick. Plan to have unexpected down time – keep ahead of your workload, set aside a day that can be a time for catching up, plan on getting up an hour early (or staying up an hour later) the day after the unexpected changes occur.
6. Put the children first. Whether it's a splinter in the finger or a question about homework, help the children to understand that they are more important than any project or work schedule. Remember that they are the main reason that you are a work at home mom.
The best way to balance your children's schedules and your work load is to stay organized. Keep lists and schedules easily accessible and keep them up to date. Before long you will fall into a rhythm and find that the juggling act is really much easier than it looks.
Carrie Lauth is a single work at home Mom of 4 who blogs about internet marketing at
July Business Review
Start Your Own Candy Wrapper Business
As promised, Networking Girls has featured another business opportunity this month. We all know that no one business is perfect for everyone due to life style differences. Here is another business that is great for the creative woman who wants to work from home. Check out August, blogzine issue for the next great business.
If you love helping people celebrate the special times in their lives, you might just love starting a candy wrapper business. Whether it's for special events or to sell to Hershey, unique candy wrappers are in demand. Find out more about the candy wrapping business in this guide.
Candy Wrapper Business Ebook
More Great Work At Home Businesses
(Virtual Assistant Business) "VA Starter Pack".
In An Instant
In our world of instant this and that, we can have instant pudding, cash (from an ATM), messages, and even instant answers to our questions (via an internet search). With these instant answers, we can instantly confirm our thoughts or change our minds. It is amazing how many things can be changed in an instant. One event can have an unbelievable affect on so many aspects of our life.
The funny thing is, we're often unaware of how life-changing a few seconds in time can be. In an instant, winning the lottery can take a person from low wage earner to millionaire. In an instant, a car accident can take a person from star athlete to paraplegic. In an instant, well-deserved recognition can help an insecure student blossom into a star performer. In an instant, truly listening to someone can change a stormy relationship into one of mutual respect, In an instant, we can change our could'ves, would'ves, and should'ves into can dos, am doings, have dones, and personal success.
To make the best use of each instant, remember:
• Change is constant. Therefore, nothing ever remains the same forever. Be open to the possibilities a change of heart, mind, or perception can create.
• What didn't work yesterday, may work today. The "no" of yesterday, may be a "yes" today. The door closed yesterday, may help you see the open window today. A half full glass is waiting to be filled and the ways to fill it are endless.
• Change your perspective, and change your experience. Varying perspectives keep the world interesting, challenging and ever-changing. Want to experience your life differently? Change your life's landscape.
• Imagine how you would enjoy an event, person or thing if it were different than it currently is. Then, ask yourself, "What can I do to begin enjoying this in that way?". Let go of what you can't control and enjoy this moment. You'll never again have this same moment in time. It will be gone in an instant. Don't waste it.
Unhappy with the present state of work, relationships, or finances? In an instant the present can be changed. Making one change, will instantly affect every moment that follows. In this instant, you can affect the responses of the universe and all of your tomorrows. It only takes an instant. Do it now!
About The Author
Kennette Reed is a Success Coach who supports individuals toward higher levels of business and personal success and fulfillment. She is the author of Discovering Your Passion , Steps Along Your Path , From Idea to Author and the soon to be released People Management. Kennette's websites are , , and her blog is .
Menu Planning 101
Looking for a great way to save time and money each month, menu planning is one of the best ways for people either on a tight budget or with tight time constraints to make sure that they and their families are eating healthy and right. Here are some basic tips on how to plan a weekly menu and the benefits of doing so.
Create a Budget
One of the many things that fiscally responsible families do is create a budget for monthly expenses. Just as you would calculate the cost of running a house, paying for your children’s school or transportation costs, you should also consider how much money to spend on food each week or month.
Believe it or not, many shoppers don’t even know exactly how much they spend on food. In addition, many families tend to eat out at least a couple of times per week. If you ever tried to figure out the cost of eating out 8 times per month for a family of four, it would probably give you sticker shock. By creating a budget, you can easily calculate your food expenses for the month or even break it down weekly, giving you an idea on how much to spend on a weekly menu for you and your family.
Creating a Menu
Now that you have your budget and know exactly how much you can spend for food each month, your next step should be figuring out which types of meals would be best for your family. Most families tend to start out menu planning with only fresh and healthier food choices, only to find out a couple of weeks later that they dread eating at home and rush out to purchase fast food or to eat out at the many casual dining establishments. One thing to consider is to plan a menu that is for the most part healthy, but includes foods that each member of your family enjoys ( in moderation of course). By making sure that there are foods that everyone enjoys, it will entice each member of the family to stay home for meals.
Menu planning is a great way for the entire family to lose weight together or to reduce certain types of foods in their diets. For instance, many families find that they could all stand to lose a few pounds; menu planning can help with the process. By creating a menu that is low in calories, fats, carbs, etc (depending on your diet of choice), you and your family can lose weight together usually increasing the success of all those involved.
For families that have a history of certain types of illnesses like heart disease or diabetes, menu planning is essential to good, long term health. By getting into the practice of eating certain types of foods and shying away from others, you can improve your health and form strong foundations for younger children who hopefully will follow the same eating patterns as they age.
Check Out Weekly Menu Planners Below
Dine Without Whine - A Family Friendly Weekly Menu Planner
Why Going Green Is Best For Your Kids
If you are a parent or would like to be one, going green should be a major priority for your family. You may ask why. Dozens of cleaning and personal care products purchased at local grocery stores contain harmful chemical ingredients. Unprecedented exposure to chemicals contaminants, pollution, toxic products and stress increase unhealthy conditions, from arthritis and cancer to heart disease and even symptoms of aging.
What parents don’t realize is that storing some of the leading household cleaners in the home is no better than storing gasoline. . Each year, over 1 million children are accidentally poisoned. Thousands of children and adults are permanently disfigured or injured through contact with chemicals in the home. The most common substance to poison children is a household cleaner.
Some leading, name brand cleaners are highly flammable, dangerous to inhale, can cause irritation and/or damage to skin, eyes and lungs. Some very popular name brand baby and women’s body wash contain the carcinogen, 1.4-Dioxane, which is suspected of causing cancer or birth defects. Actually ¼ of all personal care products sold in the U.S may contain this chemical. With over 150,000 babies born with defects each year for reasons unknown, it should make you wonder if toxins are the blame for a percentage. Another 500,000 babies are miscarried early in pregnancy or stillborn. Infertility is increasing and widespread with over 2 million couples unable to conceive. Environmental factors in childhood cancers are being researched and the cause of childhood cancer is difficult to prove. By now you should be saying hmmmm.
Some leading, name brand cleaners are highly flammable, dangerous to inhale, can cause irritation and/or damage to skin, eyes and lungs. Some very popular name brand baby and women’s body wash contain the carcinogen, 1.4-Dioxane, which is suspected of causing cancer or birth defects. Actually ¼ of all personal care products sold in the U.S may contain this chemical. With over 150,000 babies born with defects each year for reasons unknown, it should make you wonder if toxins are the blame for a percentage. Another 500,000 babies are miscarried early in pregnancy or stillborn. Infertility is increasing and widespread with over 2 million couples unable to conceive. Environmental factors in childhood cancers are being researched and the cause of childhood cancer is difficult to prove. By now you should be saying hmmmm.
You may feel this is overwhelming. Or ask where do I start. The best place to start is in the womb. High levels of toxins can be found in the blood stream of newborn babies due to the mother’s level of exposure during pregnancy. Since exposure begins in the womb with toxins being transferred from mom to baby by umbilical cord blood, this is a vital stage to reduce exposure. With no one knowing the true effects on a developing brain and other vital organs, use natural cleaning & personal care products both during and after pregnancy. Choosing organic foods whenever possible will also greatly decrease your exposure level to toxins.
Now you may say my children are already here. What do I do now? Is it too late? It is never too late. Start where you are. Eating organic foods decreases toxins. It is said that a certain batch of fruits and vegetables are more toxic than others and going organic in this group reduces your level of exposure to pesticides by 90%. These include potatoes, strawberries, peaches, apples, spinach, sweet bell peppers, celery, nectarines, cherries, pears, imported grapes and lettuce. Searching for organic foods is not always the most convenient or affordable. If you focused on this batch, it would truly make an impact on your child’s toxin in take.
You can also make a healthier decision when it comes to your child’s mattress. Some crib mattresses are constructed of polyurethane foam enclosed in vinyl covers. The plastic products are made by combining highly toxic chemicals together. Every night your child breathes in these toxins. A healthier alternative would be to purchase a mattress made from 100% natural and raw fibers. You can find natural mattresses for all stages of your child’s life from birth to teens.
These are all baby steps to a more natural life style for you and your kids. Do take steps to a healthier home because your health is wealth.
Buy Natural Products
Weddings On A Budget
Planning a wedding is an exciting experience but it is very much a daunting task. The couple must consider all the elements of the wedding – those that lie within the church arrangements and the reception – and on top of that they must concern themselves with the cost. The going rate of a decent wedding today can range from $15,000 to $20,000, and that’s not including the plush ones at some fancy resort. With the economy doing a double backslide, many couples simply do not have that much money to pull off a wedding with all the bells and whistles. Furthermore, when they stop a moment and think about it…Do they really need a “royal” wedding?
Hmmm…the answer is no. The old line of money can’t buy you love is very true. As long as the couple can agree on a wedding that meets their needs, who really cares if they don’t arrive at the wedding with a horse and carriage? After all, LOVE conquers all!
Here are a few components of a couple’s wedding day and how they can save money without sacrificing the true meaning of “their” special occasion.
The days of having to hire a printer to publish all of the wedding materials (Save-the-Dates, Invitations, Announcements, Place Cards, etc.) are long gone. Computer software programs have made printing the invitations and announcements an easy to do job that can be done at home. The software also lends a professional and elegant look to the invitations. The couple can also purchase invitation kits from retailers such as Kinko’s, Wal-Mart, or Target. These kits come with easy to use instructions and produce a quality invitation that’s fit for a Queen!
Do-it-yourself favors are becoming more of the norm. Many dollar stores (Dollar Tree, Everything $1, etc.) offer a variety of wedding favor ideas that are very presentable. Depending on the size of the reception, the cost for putting together favors for the tables should be less than $100.
Limousines are unnecessary. Allow family members and friends to decorate your vehicle with “Just Married” fanfare. That is a more original thought anyway than stepping in and out of an overpriced vehicle.
Remember…if you’re getting married, this is your wedding day. You shouldn’t be paying for a wedding long after you say “I Do”. Step outside of the box and re-write the rules as to how your wedding will be.
Contact Special Invite Event Planning & Management for more information on wedding and event planning services.
Special Invite Event Planning and Management
Teresa Barrett, Owner
PO Box 922206
Norcross, GA 30010
About A Girl
I am a Senior Marketing Manager for Symmetry Direct, a company that distributes and markets wellness products. As a Unit Leader and Beauty Advisor for Avon Products, I have enjoyed that career. Yet, I was looking for something that would fulfill me more. I met a lovely woman, Melanie Bailey, in a Krogers supermarket. She walked right up to me and asked if I was interested in joining a group of women who are focused on weight loss and nutrition. She asked if she was offending me. She put herself on the line to approach me. I have loved her ever since.
I began my career with Symmetry Direct on March 28, 2008. I hit the ground running and haven't looked back. By combining exercise and nutrition I have lost weight. I also haven't had as much energy and vitality since I was in my 20's years ago! It is just remarkable how working for a company whose mission is to help others has actually helped me to become a better person. I began as a Marketing Representative and within 30 days, I was promoted to Senior Marketing Manager. I am thrilled to be recognized for my achievements and I feel that I am on track towards accomplishing several goals I have set for myself and my business.
Since joining Symmetry Direct as a business partner, I have been able to touch so many lives while improving my own personal and financial state of being. I love what I do and I look forward to even more future success with this amazing company. My mission is to do take the risk that Melanie Bailey did. I am a drum major for health and nutrition and I approach each woman with an open mind and an open heart.
Name: Loretta Brown-Burtt (Senior Marketing Manager)
Business: Symmetry Direct Wellness Products/Program
As an accounting professional by day, I was looking for something else to do with my time. I discovered Slumber Parties, Inc. while attending the bachelorette party of a close friend in 2007. The distributor was having a blast. I was having a great time as well. My first thought, I can do what she does. I didn’t act on my thoughts until May 2008 after speaking with my sister. She was with me that fateful night. She signed up earlier this year and has had much success.
I have been with Slumber Parties since May 2008 and I absolutely LOVE what I do! Slumber Parties changes you! Before becoming a distributor, I was shy and a little bit of an introvert. Now I have the confidence to do ANYTHING!!
Slumber Parties carries a line of products designed to “enhance” relationships. As a distributor, my job is to educate and empower women to take charge in the bedrooms. Please visit my website where you can request catalog information, host a show, or inquire about distributorship opportunities.
Names: Marcella James (SP Distributor)
Business: Slumber Parties By Marcella
Susan McCann. Three daughters 10,5,3. My husband works in the hotel business and we have been relocated NINE times. That is how I got into real estate. After buying and selling our own home(s) a few times I decided that I could do this. I love it. We have been in Atlanta for two years and we love it here. We have lived all over the country (Phoenix, Pittsburgh, New Jersey, etc) but this is definitely one of the best. I am originally from Seattle , and my husband is from Michigan.
I am heavily involved in the PTA. I am the Community Outreach Chairman at East Side Elementary in Marietta. We do community service projects with the kids to help others.
I do a lot of networking and have met so many wonderful people here. That is how I got started selling jewelry. It is a lot of fun. I do it as my hobby but have found that I make a lot of real estate connections doing it also. Prices are affordable and women just love jewelry so it is always fun to see them try stuff on and get excited. It's like shopping with girlfriends all the time.
Name: Susan McCann
Business: Jewelry Distributor
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