In our world of instant this and that, we can have instant pudding, cash (from an ATM), messages, and even instant answers to our questions (via an internet search). With these instant answers, we can instantly confirm our thoughts or change our minds. It is amazing how many things can be changed in an instant. One event can have an unbelievable affect on so many aspects of our life.
The funny thing is, we're often unaware of how life-changing a few seconds in time can be. In an instant, winning the lottery can take a person from low wage earner to millionaire. In an instant, a car accident can take a person from star athlete to paraplegic. In an instant, well-deserved recognition can help an insecure student blossom into a star performer. In an instant, truly listening to someone can change a stormy relationship into one of mutual respect, In an instant, we can change our could'ves, would'ves, and should'ves into can dos, am doings, have dones, and personal success.
To make the best use of each instant, remember:
• Change is constant. Therefore, nothing ever remains the same forever. Be open to the possibilities a change of heart, mind, or perception can create.
• What didn't work yesterday, may work today. The "no" of yesterday, may be a "yes" today. The door closed yesterday, may help you see the open window today. A half full glass is waiting to be filled and the ways to fill it are endless.
• Change your perspective, and change your experience. Varying perspectives keep the world interesting, challenging and ever-changing. Want to experience your life differently? Change your life's landscape.
• Imagine how you would enjoy an event, person or thing if it were different than it currently is. Then, ask yourself, "What can I do to begin enjoying this in that way?". Let go of what you can't control and enjoy this moment. You'll never again have this same moment in time. It will be gone in an instant. Don't waste it.
Unhappy with the present state of work, relationships, or finances? In an instant the present can be changed. Making one change, will instantly affect every moment that follows. In this instant, you can affect the responses of the universe and all of your tomorrows. It only takes an instant. Do it now!
About The Author
Kennette Reed is a Success Coach who supports individuals toward higher levels of business and personal success and fulfillment. She is the author of Discovering Your Passion http://www.discoveringyourpassion.com , Steps Along Your Path http://www.stepsalongyourpath.com , From Idea to Author http://www.ideatoauthor.com and the soon to be released People Management. Kennette's websites are http://www.kennettereed.com , http://www.resiliencecoach.com , http://speakerkennettereed.com and her blog is http://www.thoughtstream1.blogspot.com .
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