Planning a wedding is an exciting experience but it is very much a daunting task. The couple must consider all the elements of the wedding – those that lie within the church arrangements and the reception – and on top of that they must concern themselves with the cost. The going rate of a decent wedding today can range from $15,000 to $20,000, and that’s not including the plush ones at some fancy resort. With the economy doing a double backslide, many couples simply do not have that much money to pull off a wedding with all the bells and whistles. Furthermore, when they stop a moment and think about it…Do they really need a “royal” wedding?
Hmmm…the answer is no. The old line of money can’t buy you love is very true. As long as the couple can agree on a wedding that meets their needs, who really cares if they don’t arrive at the wedding with a horse and carriage? After all, LOVE conquers all!
Here are a few components of a couple’s wedding day and how they can save money without sacrificing the true meaning of “their” special occasion.
The days of having to hire a printer to publish all of the wedding materials (Save-the-Dates, Invitations, Announcements, Place Cards, etc.) are long gone. Computer software programs have made printing the invitations and announcements an easy to do job that can be done at home. The software also lends a professional and elegant look to the invitations. The couple can also purchase invitation kits from retailers such as Kinko’s, Wal-Mart, or Target. These kits come with easy to use instructions and produce a quality invitation that’s fit for a Queen!
Do-it-yourself favors are becoming more of the norm. Many dollar stores (Dollar Tree, Everything $1, etc.) offer a variety of wedding favor ideas that are very presentable. Depending on the size of the reception, the cost for putting together favors for the tables should be less than $100.
Limousines are unnecessary. Allow family members and friends to decorate your vehicle with “Just Married” fanfare. That is a more original thought anyway than stepping in and out of an overpriced vehicle.
Remember…if you’re getting married, this is your wedding day. You shouldn’t be paying for a wedding long after you say “I Do”. Step outside of the box and re-write the rules as to how your wedding will be.
Contact Special Invite Event Planning & Management for more information on wedding and event planning services.
Special Invite Event Planning and Management
Teresa Barrett, Owner
PO Box 922206
Norcross, GA 30010
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