BELIEVER: “Lord I love You so much and appreciate Your love and care for me. How can I ever thank You for showing me that if I will take time to listen, You really will speak to me?
GOD: “I love you, My child, and that my love is much stronger and deeper than you can understand. It is this love which will sustain you in the days ahead. When you feel discouraged, puzzled, weary, My love is always there to encompass your hurting heart. Be joyful in that knowledge!
“ I see your anxiety when things do not happen in the lives of others as rapidly as you would like, but I say, be at peace; rest in Me. These are My concerns, you are only My instrument. It is he who wields the instrument. You must feel no pressure to ‘succeed.’ I am your success. Simply rest in Me and trust Me to do the work in the lives of others.”
BELIEVER: “Lord, You are so good to me! I receive everything from You!
GOD: “Then receive My love. It is poured forth as a fountain forever. Do you not yet see how much I cherish you? O child of Mine, believe what I tell you. I cradle you in My bosom. I hold you and protect you. Nothing in this world can harm you or take away that which I have given you-love, joy, peace, rest in Me. I will teach you. Do not struggle – simply wait on Me. Trust Me in all that concerneth you. It is with joy I see your heart. I hear your request. Consider them done.”
From the book: Dialogue With God by Mark & Patty Virkler
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